Tag: Silicone vs. saline

Pursuing Safe Breast Augmentation Surgery: What to Consider Before Surgery

Breast augmentation is a common plastic surgery to alter appearance and improve confidence. However, women must consider many factors when deciding whether breast augmentation is right for them. There are several breast augmentation surgery risks to be aware of, including cancer. Breast Augmentation One of the Most Popular Plastic Surgeries Cosmetic surgery is a $16…

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Health Risks of Silicone vs. Saline Breast Implants

Comparing Health Risks of Silicone vs. Saline Breast Implants

Saline breast implants are just as dangerous as silicone implants. Both breast implant types are associated with a rare form of cancer and several other adverse health effects. There is a common misconception that saline breast implants are safer than silicone implants. Since most people are concerned about the risk of silicone leaking into the…

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